Monitor Investiture Ceremony
More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin...
Council Investiture Ceremony at Sunbeam School & Hostel Varuna
Council Members and Prefects were invested with the responsibility of taking the Sunbeam Flag to newer heights this session while receiving the honour of being School Council Members.
#InvestitureCeremony2024 #schoolcouncil #responsibility #SunbeamVaruna #CambridgeInternationalCurriculum #CambridgeProgram
Hot Air Balloon Debate Competition
Step into the arena of Hot Air Balloon Debate Competition - where intellect, persuasion, and creativity intertwined in a dynamic debate. Here, ideas clashed and minds ignited! It was a discourse, a symphony of thought where every argument was a brushstroke painting the canvas of possibility.
#hotairballoon #DebateChallenge #SunbeamVaruna #CambridgeInternationalCurriculum #CambridgeProgram
Fascinating world of archaeology
Exploring the past through hands-on learning: Young students dive into the fascinating world of archaeology, creating fossils and honing excavation skills.
#learning #sunbeaminternationalvaruna #CambridgeInternationalCurriculum
Learning Through Play
Students honing their skills with precision and focus through grip activity – mastering hand-eye coordination one step at a time.
Corridow Child of the month - September
Cheers to Master Gagan Verma, Class I, whose remarkable achievement left us all inspired and proud!! Keep Shining Gagan

Hot Air Ballon Debate
The Inter-House Hot-Air Ballon Debate- Who Stays?Who Goes? Its Upto You!
The competitors included students representing some of the most well-known writers in the literary world, which made the choice incredibly tough.
The Sunbeam International Varuna auditorium was packed with students eagerly competing to board the hot-air balloon by debating the most significant writers in history.
The enthusiasm of the competition peaked during the Q&A session, where the students' responses revealed that they had done thorough research on the writers they had picked.
Mas. Ankur Mishra(V A) was endowed with the Best Debator title, while Mas. Akshat Singh (V A)and Mas. Ehsan Khan(IV A) as the Upcoming Talent and Effective Debator respectively.
Self Esteem Activity
Enhancing self-esteem, self-discipline, and positive relationship through Quality Circle Time subtly paving towards students' holistic development and mental health...
Online Parent Orientation Program
on 17-01-2023
1st Parent Orientation Program
on 28-12-2022