Outings & Excursions
- Scheduled Group Outing: - Students should be accompanied by their respective wardens or hostel authority. While going for outings, the boarders should wear only prescribed uniform. All outings will be as per outing schedule.
- Outing with Guardians:-
- For going to outings with parents/LGs, the boarders should get the permission from the respective wardens at first and then that should be approved by the Superintendent.
- Parent/guardian must produce the Outing Pass to the Hostel Superintendent before taking their wards outside the campus.
- Only those guardians whose names are listed by the parent in the Guardian Consent Form will be allowed to take the student out
- If in one whole month, the student has not availed an outing with his parents, the parents may take the student for a night out on the fourth Saturday of the month, i.e., student may go out after school on Saturday and come back before 05:00 pm on Sunday.
- Coming late after outings will not be compromised with and could result in fine
- Medical Outing : In case of serious emergencies, students may be taken out to doctor / hospital in prescribed uniform by MI and warden.
The school every year schedules tours and excursions to various places of historical as well as aesthetic interest. Boarders can avail these opportunities to know more about their country and its diverse culture. Parents consent is mandatory for all such trips and every boarder is expected to maintain exemplary conduct throughout the travel period.
Recreation Time
Each hostel has within it a Common Room. In this, students can relax by watching television, playing games or simply sitting and chatting. Opportunities for this exist both in the afternoons and in the evenings after dinner. On both occasions, Dorm parents are on hand to monitor the students’ behavior and to encourage those in need to take up some work.
After school hours students are encouraged to participate in recreational activities. ‘Special evenings’ provide a chance to the students to showcase their talent in dramatics, dance, music and various aspects of stage management.